
To Stronger, Sculpted Abs In 30 Minutes*

Our TeslaSculpting. High Intensity Electromagnetic technology targets deeper than exercise alone to reach hard to active muscles for increased strength and definition.


To Stronger, Sculpted Abs In 30 Minutes*

Our TeslaSculpting. High Intensity Electromagnetic technology targets deeper than exercise alone to reach hard to active muscles for increased strength and definition.

Burn Fat & Tone Muscles

This revolutionary muscle building, strengthening and body sculpting technology uses Tesla energy to stimulate strong muscle contractions above the level possible through exercise alone. TeslaSculpting™ lifts and firms the treated area, targeting deep into muscles that can be difficult to activate during exercise.

It will help you accelerate results to obtain more muscle definition for those wanting to get a 6 pack, leaner and stronger arms or firmer and sculpted glutes. The result is increased muscle density, volume and strength.

What if there was safe technology that helped you get the results you want without putting all the time and effort into working out?

Our TeslaSculpting can help! TeslaSculpting allows you to do 36,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes for toning, building muscle and while at the same time dissolving fat.

Check Out Some Results!

Before & After 6 Sessions

Before & After 3 Sessions

How Does The Muscle Definer TeslaSculpting™ Work?

The TeslaSculpting helps stimulate up to 36,000 pulses – the equivalent of 36,000 crunches to strengthen and tone your inner core, glutes, hamstrings, triceps, and most major muscle groups. The result is increased muscle density, volume, and strength.

Top 8 Benefits of the TeslaSculpting™

What To Expect During Your TeslaSculpting™ Treatment

The actual HIFEM body contouring treatment is painless. The device straps on over your stomach area (or leg, arms, or butt area), and then our technician turns up the power. We say that they’ll usually start at a lower power level and then work their way up, because going directly to 80 percent or 100 percent can hyper-stress the muscle. 

The contractions occur a few seconds apart and feel a little strange—like super-intense vibrations that reach your very core. This experience may feel slightly uncomfortable during your first treatment but will get better and easier with each additional session. After a few contractions, the machine will switch over to a tapping motion to help break up the lactic acid that’s being released by your muscles.

Is This For Me?

If you are looking for increased muscle definition, strengthening, non-surgical body sculpting, then TeslaSculpting is for you!

Our TeslaSculpting can help! TeslaSculpting allows you to do 36,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes for toning, building muscle and while at the same time dissolving fat.

This catabolic and supra-maximal lipolysis effect occurs mostly in the area in close proximity to the actual contracting muscles, due to increased adipose tissue blood flow and paracrine substances released from the contracting muscles.

The Effects On Fat Tissue

During TeslaSculpting treatment, Supra-maximal muscle contractions induce an extreme catabolic reaction and supra-maximal lipolysis to offer energy source for the needed muscle activity and body metabolism, which in turn brings about a dramatic release of FFA When the amount of released FFA exceed normal levels, they start accumulating intracellularly in surrounding adipocytes and eventually lead to their dysfunction.

This catabolic and supra-maximal lipolysis effect occurs mostly in the area in close proximity to the actual contracting muscles, due to increased adipose tissue blood flow and paracrine substances released from the contracting muscles.

The Effects On Muscle Tissue

When exposed to supra-maximal contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions and responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure, i.e., the growth of myofibrils (muscle hypertrophy) and creation of new protein strands and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia).

What's Your Concern?






More TeslaSculpting Results!

Before & After 6 Sessions

Before & After 3 Sessions

Over 700 Happy Customers!

We know that working out consistently to build muscle and lose fat can be exhausting. Think of all the time and effort you have to put in to see the results you want. Finding alternative ways to reach your goals can be confusing as you may not know what is best for you.

50% Off For New Clients!

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Use Code SCULPTNOW50 At Checkout

1 Session

$ 99
  • Free Consultation Included
  • *With Coupon Code "SCULPTNOW50"

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3 Sessions

$ 249
  • Free Consultation Included
  • *With Coupon Code "SCULPTNOW50"

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6 Sessions

$ 524
  • Free Consultation Included
  • *With Coupon Code "SCULPTNOW50"

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9 Sessions

$ 799
  • Free Consultation Included
  • Nutrition Coaching For Fat Loss & Muscle Building
  • *With Coupon Code "SCULPTNOW50"
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12 Sessions

$ 899
  • Free Consultation Included
  • Nutrition Coaching For Fat Loss & Muscle Building
  • *With Coupon Code "30TESLA2022"
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! HIFEM has been around since the 1970 so it has proven itself to be safe and effective. It uses electromagnetic waves to contract your muscles similar to as you’d be working out!

Sessions are 30 minutes long, and a minimum of 6 sessions is required. Ideally these treatments will be 1 day apart. Please speak to your  body sculptor about a personalized  plan to help you achieve your specific body goals., ask about treatment ADD ONS to boost your results. To maintain results, we recommend one to two maintenance sessions every month.

No! You will feel an intense stretch on your treatment area, similar to how you’d feel when working out.

You may feel soreness for a day or two like you would normally feel after working out. Other than that, there are no major side effects!

Anyone wanting to burn fat and increase muscle tone can use and benefit from this treatment. The TeslaSculpting can be used as a body sculpting treatment on most areas of the body where you are wanting to build muscle and reduce fat (e.g. abdomen, glutes, arms). It is also an effective treatment for post-pregnancy abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti), even years after giving birth. Please ask your body sculptor if you are a suitable candidate.

TeslaSculpting™ (HIFEM) should not be used by anyone who has metal or electronics (like pacemakers, copper IUDs, etc.) in their bodies, as these could interfere with the magnetic waves. HIFEM should also be avoided during pregnancy, but it can be used after pregnancy to help tone the abdomen.

A TeslaSculpting™ treatment is like a localized workout. You will feel your muscles contracting and releasing. You may find that you are feeling great post-treatment due to released endorphins. Like exercise, you may experience mild muscle soreness or delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) the following day.

Results are visible 2-4 weeks following the last session, and continue to improve for 2-6 weeks following your treatments. Those with an active lifestyle or an athletic background will see results sooner due to muscle memory.

The actual HIFEM body contouring treatment is painless. The device straps on over your stomach area (or leg, arms, or butt area), and then our technician turns up the power. We say that they’ll usually start at a lower power level and then work their way up, because going directly to 80 percent or 100 percent can hyper-stress the muscle. 

The contractions occur a few seconds apart and feel a little strange—like super-intense vibrations that reach your very core. This experience may feel slightly uncomfortable during your first treatment but will get better and easier with each additional session. After a few contractions, the machine will switch over to a tapping motion to help break up the lactic acid that’s being released by your muscles.

Those who are pregnant, have been diagnosed with cancer, have a metal implant or have a cardiac pacemaker or medication pump, or open wounds near the site of treatment, have a BMI exceeding 25, are under 18, or have a cardiac condition may not use the TeslaSculpting. Those with endometriosis or IUD may use the treatment under certain conditions.

We recommend our clients to be in good physical and mental health. We will have you fill out a health history questionnaire prior to the sessions to rule out any of the contraindications to make sure you are an eligible candidate for our non-invasive services.

Please consult your physician to see if you can use HIFEM technology.

Boca SlimTone, Inc., its staff, officers, and employees does not dispense or replace medical advice, The information provided is NOT intended to treat, cure or diagnose any conditions. Our treatments are designed to improve self-esteem and confidence.

Does It Work?

2-Month Post Treatment Results

After a few more weeks pass, you may not see any sort of visible result from HIFEM. You may even chalk this up to the fact that you weren’t the ideal patient. Because if you have more fat around your stomach area and you don’t exercise all the time, then perhaps you shouldn’t expect the visible results that are promised? But don’t lose hope, soon you will look in the mirror and literally do a double take. Can it be? Can those be faint outlines of muscle definition you are seeing in your stomach area? Can they be… abs? Getting more of an hourglass figure will become visible.

The designer jeans that you usually only wear once a year because they’re so constricting in the waist area now will be more comfortable; there will be a noticeable difference in the difficulty level in buttoning the top button. You will feel more confident in your swimsuit, wearing a cropped top, and being naked. It’s not like you will suddenly wake up with a rock-hard six-pack, but the change will be undeniable. HIFEM body contouring technology will work, and your stomach area will be tighter and more toned than it will ever be in your life.

Here is one clinical study with 2 months post treatment results: “Analysis of the same MRI slices verified by tissue artifacts showed a statistically significant (all P < 0.0001) average 18.6% reduction of adipose tissue thickness, 15.4% increase in rectus abdominis muscle thickness, and 10.4% reduction in rectus abdominis separation (diastasis recti) as measured from the medial border of the muscle 2 months post- treatment.

Lasers Surg. Med. 51:40-46, 2019. © 2018 The Authors. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

About Our TeslaScuplting Treatment Packages

Our TeslaSculpting it is our newest procedure to help both men and women get improvement in muscle tonality and fat loss. More than 20,000 sit ups and feels just like an intensive workout. This is called “inactive-exercise” and it also has the same effects in the human body.

The 100% extreme muscle contraction of TeslaSculpting technology can trigger a large amount of fat decomposition, Fatty acids are broken down from triglycerides and accumulated in fat cells. The concentrations of fatty acids are too high ,causing the fat cells to apoptosis, which is excreted by the body’s normal metabolism within a few weeks. Our TeslaSculpting can strengthen and increase muscle, and reduce fat at the same 

1) HIFEM Technology

High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) field technology which has the ability to induce supra-maximal muscle contractions. The rapidly changing magnetic field induces electric currents in the tissue where it depolarizes neural membranes and governs motor units in the target muscles, causing concentric contractions. The effects are highly selective; due to its physiological characteristics only motor neurons are activated, while other neurons or tissues are not responsive to the current, and therefore stay unaffected.

After The Procedure

The day after the first procedure, the stomach area may feel slightly sore, like it would after a particularly intense Pilates class. You may go back for three more treatments spaced a few days apart and wait for your sculpted abs to make their appearance. Two weeks may go by, and you still may have nothing in terms of visible results. What happens, however, is that you finally can achieve Crow Pose during a Y7 yoga class.

Yoga is pretty much the only form of exercise that some may enjoy, but still the practice may be sporadic. So imagine if you attempted Crow Pose—a move where you lean forward on your hands, lift your legs up and rest your knees on your back elbows—and were actually able to balance on your hands for a good 10 seconds. You will surely be shocked.

Your biggest referral sources can be SoulCycle instructors, nutritionists, and professional trainer-type patients. There’s nothing more frustrating than hitting a workout plateau. A lot of patients feel that their whole core is stronger after doing HIFEM, and they’re able to reach the next level of their fitness journey.